Inhabitants of North SundarkhataTake a Successful Development Work Through Papaya and Guava Saplings Plantation

North Sundarkhata village is located from Dimla Sadar in approximate 6 km distance. It is a remotest village of Balapara union under Dimla upazilla. Natural hazards viz flood, drought, hail-storm etc are strongly affects their future survival. In this village there are 307 HHs are living where 171 HHs passed their life from different difficulties. Those households complete their life cycle with combat in different natural disaster. Hunger, complain and query is the part of their regular life. To overcome hunger their life completely dedicate into nature. In this village near about 80 percent people are directly or indirectly dependent on Agriculture practices. Rest of the people is day labor, ricksha, van pullar and so on. Social awareness is a grate lack of this village’s people. Health and nutrition knowledge is also poor. In fact, they have no common idea about their basic needs to complete their life cycle.

For this above situation, a few days ago (16/06/11) Care Bangaladesh partner organization JSKS employee Dipali Sharma facilitate Comunity Consultation (small group discussion, quick win, CAP formation, VDC formation all are the part of Comunity Consultation) with the help of community people. First time active participation of communities’ people arranges small group discussion about different problem identification. After she conduct a live session where she facilitate the community people on their different problems through PRA tools (like problem identification, prioritization, analysis, result, entry point etc) practices.

After realizing the process, the community people develop their action plan on different issues which was achievable and manageable with immediate and long-run benefits. Among the fifteen problems the north sundarkhata villagers chose the “Nutrition Problem” to quick win and took action plan accordingly. They were planting papaya and guava saplings as per their plan which was their prime problem for a long period. Guava is a nutritious fruit containing vit-c and iron. It gives fruits two years after planting. On the other hand papaya is one of the most popular vegetable and fruit on the earth. It gives fruits 6 months after planting.

About 150 people both male and female were present in the session of community consultation. As a part of discussion they formed a committee consisting 30 members where 15 people have a management committee to implement the intervention. After long time discussion community people contribute 5 taka each people for 1 papaya sapling and 7 taka each people for 1 guava sapling. 150 families planting papaya (each family 4 no) and guava (each family 1 no) saplings successfully.

All the process completed total papaya saplings needed 600 no (150*4) where as papaya saplings market price 3000 taka (600*5) and guava saplings needed 150 no (150*1) where as papaya saplings market price 1050 taka (150*7).

Cost Analysis: (One family)

Sl# Item Unit Cost (Taka) Quantity Total Cost(Taka) Remarks
01 Papaya Saplings 5 4 no 20
02 Compost 2 10 kg 20
03 TSP 25 200 gm 5
04 MOP 20 100 gm 2
05 Transport 0.25 4 no 1
Total Taka 48

Income Analysis: (One family)

Sl# Item Unit Cost(Taka) Quantity Total Cost(Taka) Remarks
01 Papaya 10 (Per kg) 200 kg 2000

Net Income: Taka (2000-48) =1952 Taka (Per Year)

Cost Analysis: (One family)

Sl# Item Unit Cost (Taka) Quantity Total Cost (Taka) Remarks
01 Guava Saplings 7 1 no 7
02 Compost 2 10 kg 20
03 TSP 25 200 gm 5
04 MOP 20 100 gm 2
05 Transport 1 1 no 1
Total Taka 35

Income Analysis: (One family)

Sl# Item Unit Cost (Taka) Quantity Total Cost(Taka) Remarks
01 Guava 4 (Per Piece) 150 no 600

Net Income: Taka (600-35) =565 Taka (Per Year)

Papaya and guava saplings play a vital role to reduce nutrition. Papaya and guava bear high nutrition value. It balanced the environment, increase household income and enrich nutrition.

After accomplishment of these initiatives, rest people of this village are ready to planting papaya and guava saplings. Neighbours village are appreciate all the process and should take necessary steps for the same.

Considering overall, community consultation (quick win, papaya and guava plantation) is the way to develop self-reliance, solidarity and so on.

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