Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities

Goal: Transform the lives of 370,000 Poor and Extreme Poor (PEP) households in 11 of the poorest and most marginalized districts in Bangladesh by reducing their vulnerability to food insecurity.


Working Area:

Dimla, Nilphamari
Dimla, Nilphamari
District Upazila Union
Nilphamari Dimla 1 Dimla
2 Naotara
3 Khalisha Chapani
4 Jhunagach Chapani
5 Goyabari
6 Tepa Khoribari
7 Khoga Khoribari
8 Purbo Chatnai
9 Paschin Chatnai
10 Balapara

Major Interventions & Activities of the Program:

Field crop cultivation:

Some beneficiaries have scope to cultivate different field crop by using his/her own land or leasing land. In these regards, JSKS is providing production training and input on different field crop to field crop beneficiaries to increase their food security status. JSKS has provided training and input to 3165 field crop beneficiaries under SHOUHARDO II Program.

Fish culture:

Some beneficiaries have scope to fish culture and JSKS is providing skill development training and input to those beneficiaries on fish culture. Besides these, some beneficiaries are involve in fish capture as a profession, JSKS is providing orientation on fish capture and provide different input, JSKS also provides marketing linkage support to fish culture and capture beneficiaries so that they can get more benefits from their business. JSKS has provided training and input to 469 fisheries beneficiaries under SHOUHARDO II Program

Income Generating Activities (IGA) of-farm:

JSKS is providing training and input who have skill on small scale business or others relevant involvement. JSKS.  also provide support to off-farm IGA beneficiaries on business plan and marketing linkage. JSKS has provided production training and input to 3285 beneficiaries as of-farm IGA under SHOUHARDO II Program

Capacity building for poor and extremes poor:

JSKS is developing the capacity and skill to poor and extreme poor household through different skill development training, courtyard session, linkage with different service providers, Farmers Field Day (FFD).

Comprehensive Homestead Development (CHD):

CHD is a potential core occupation group of SHOUHARDO II Program as well as PEP household. JSKS is providing training and input so that PEP household can effective use of their homestead and increase their food security status as well as livelihoods by using training skill & input. Already JSKS has provided production training and input to 4065 beneficiaries as CHD beneficiaries under SHOUHARDO II Program.

Income Generation activities on-farm:

Some beneficiaries have no any scope on CHD, field crop, fish culture or off-farm IGA. In this situation, JSKS is providing training on goat, sheep or poultry rearing and provide input support accordingly. Already JSKS has provided training and input to 3258 beneficiaries as on-farm IGA under SHOUHARDO II Program.

Health, Hygiene and Nutrition awareness:

To improved health, hygiene and nutritional status of under 2 years of age of JSKS SHOUHARDO II working area and JSKS ensure the GMP, provide supplementary food, facilitate courtyard session etc. to increase the mentioned status. JSKS is facilitating to community to constructed tube-well platform, arsenic test of tube-well water, organize awareness session, promotion hygienic latrine etc. for improve the health status of community especially under 2 years of age. To improve the health & nutrition status of pregnant and lactating mother JSKS providing commodity as supplementary food each month.

Linkage with GoB department:

The core message of SHOUHARDO II Program is “Communities become effective & proactive ‘’Problem Solvers’’ with assistance from responsive local support structures.’’ JSKS is facilitating to different govt. service providers to ensure different service to poor and extreme poor household at community.

Capacity building for local elected bodies (Union Parishad):

JSKS is trying to build-up the capacity of LEB (Local Elected Body) so that poor & extreme poor households get different physical service form union parishad. JSKS has provided capacity development training to 10 elected union parishad bodies.

Capacity building for local service providers:

JSKS is working to build the capacity of local service providers to help them be more effective in providing essential entitlement service to the poor and extreme poor. The GoB will be involved in revision of training materials and training implementation. The focus of the capacity building includes, at a minimum, principles of good governance; understanding roles and responsibilities; planning and implementation; resource mobilization; linkage building with NBDs; and conduction of community level meetings and management.

Strengthening for Union Disaster Management Committee (UDMC), Upazilla Disaster Management Committee (UzDMC) & Union Disaster Volunteers (UDV):

Every year floods, cyclones, erosion and drought cause extensive damage to crops, livestock, and household and community assets. Such disasters increase prevalence of disease and affect access to food where markets become temporarily dysfunctional, leading to price spikes. JSKS is working to develop the capacity of UDMC, UzDMC and also DVs so that those groups are well equip to minimize different disaster. JSKS has provided capacity development training to 10 UDMC, 01 UzDMC and 337 UDV through SHOUHARDO II Program.

HHs plinth raising and CFW:

Raise household plinth can safe life and asset during flood. CFW is an important component as it provides an immediate safety net during times of food insecurity where beneficiaries can be engaged in labor work or other employment opportunities and receive cash directly. JSKS do plinth raise during lean/monga period to create employment opportunity of poor and extreme poor. It also addresses disaster risk mitigation and climate change adaptation. Last year a total 44 homestead plinths has raised at different communities which creates seasonal employment and promote the food and cash flow and reduced the impact of Monga.

School cum flood shelter renovation Community place raising, road maintenance and made box culvert:

SHOUHARDO II Program construct and maintain important infrastructure and it is critical to ensure livelihoods are enhanced and /or protected from natural disaster and negative impacts of climate change. Through SHOUHARDO II Program, JSKS takes initiative to renovation school cum flood shelter, raising community place, maintenance/repair road and made/construct box culvert etc.

Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD):

SHOUHARDO II as well as JSKS will establish ECCD centers to bring transformational changes to traditional power structures and cultural norms for children between 2-4 years of age and Shishu Bikas Kendras for children 4-6 years of age. ECCD centers promoted education substantively, creating greater interest in parents towards education. Both girls and boys benefited from this, where children passing on from these centers were more readily accepted in formal schools.

Already JSKS established 20 nos. ECCD centers in different villages and plan to establish 30 ECCD center in coming years. ECCD volunteers facilitating sessions in the centers in two groups of Shishu Bikas Kendras(SBK) and Pre-Schooling for children 4-6 years of age. For smooth functioning of ECCD centres there are running ECCD management committee to provide management support to the ECCD centers. Both girls and boys (1171 children) getting benefit from this, where children passing on from these centers are more readily acceptable in formal Schools.

Community Resource Center (CRC):

CRC is a scale structure of JSKS SHOUHARDO II Program those are used for different community social events and it is also use as a ECCD center. Already JSKS has construct 01.

Strengthening to Village Development Committee (VDC):

VDC is a fundamental “vehicle for development” in SHOUHARDO II Program to bring about catalytic changes needed in their communities; active and sustainable problem-solving groups with support from Nation Building Departments (NBD) and Local Elected Bodies (LEB). VDCs are an umbrella for all different groups working on behalf of the poor and extreme poor in the community, including EKATA, agriculture, commodity distribution, and safety nets. It is the task of the VDC to identify the common issues faced by the community, through the Community Action Planning (CAP) process, and then to work out ways to resolve these as well as facilitate linkage building between the VDCs with surrounding service providers. JSKS is working to develop the capacity of VDCs so that they can play an active role to mobilize different service providers on behalf of poor & extreme poor people. JSKS facilitated to organize 76 VDCs at its SHOUHARDO II working area and they are working as a problem solver in community.

EKATA (Empowerment Knowledge and Transformative Action) and Empowerment for women and adolescent:

The EKATA model will be instrumental in this endeavor, promoting education, empowerment and social change to attain women’s empowerment goals. EKATA encourages participants to analyze their own circumstances in a structured manner with a view to generating solutions to problems they face. These processes support the systematization of people’s own experience-based understanding and validate it through the development of literacy tools. EKATA transforms women and girls, developing their skills to support their ongoing strategies for gaining status and respect with established hierarchies of gender and class. Co-opting women in standing committees of the UP will improve existing linkages between women’s empowerment and governance objectives. EKATA has contributed to increasing solidarity among women and girls, as well as enhanced confidence regarding access to education and other key social services and prevention of gender based violence, including domestic violence. The empowerment processes have also contributed to women’s increased mobility and decision making power and changing patriarchal attitudes. JSKS already has established 35 EKATA group in its SHOUHARDO II Program working area where 1077 women and adolescent girls have involved.

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