
Material Development Workshop’15 for SBK & Pre-primary


  • To enhance skill development for play & corner material making.
  • To learn how to prepare low cost play materials through using local raw and junk materials in local level for their children.
  • Participants feel the value of play materials for child development.
  • To enhance communities ownership on the ECCD program.

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We have completed material development workshop for 150 SBKs & 35 Pre-primaries of Chirirbandar Upazila (6 Unions) for CY’2015. MDWs were organized daylong per batch centrally based. There was total 10 batches material development workshops 02 for Pre-schools & 08 for SBKs. Total 294 participants (19 male & 275 female) were actively participated at different venues. Each workshop day long start from 9:30am to 4:30pm held on 26 February’15 and ending 12 March’15. All participants were come from 21 villages in Chirirbandar Upazila. In workshops participated the concern SBK’s facilitators, pre-school teachers, community learning resource persons (CLRP), resource trainers (RT), DAC Plan International Bangladesh, VDC, SMC & CMC members. Material development workshops organized & facilitated by JSKS and assisted by VDC.

Outcome of the Workshops:

  • Participants and community people have learned how to prepare play materials for their children by junk & raw material.
  • Participants enhance skill develop for play materials make by junk and raw materials.
  • Lots of play materials are developed in that 10 batches workshops (08 for SBK & 02 for PP).
  • VDC, SMC & CMC persons provided physical voluntary service for material development workshop (full day). So, they feel ownership on ECCD interventions.
  • Participant’s enjoyed those activities.
  • Participants and community people understand the important of play materials.


After ending the workshop huge numbers of play materials have been produce / developed. Ending the workshops all materials have been distributed to 150 SBK facilitators and 35 pre-primary teachers.

JSKS conducted School debate competition on March 31, 2015

Most of women’s work is considered household work without any monetary remuneration and therefore not valued. The existing definition of work counts only activities undertaken in anticipation of economic return. Since there is no economic return that means women do not work. Non-recognition and undervaluation leads to the inferior status of women at home and outside. JSKS strongly believes that women are making great contribution in every sector yet do not get the dignity and respect they deserve.

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To explore the authenticity in this regard, JSKS has conducted School debate competition today at Ghoshpur High School Hall room. The subject matter of this debate competition is ‘Recognition of monetary value of women’s household works can increase their dignity’. There were participate two teams; Ranipur High School versus Ghoshpur High School. The position of Ranipur High School’s team was in favor of the subject matter and Ghoshpur High School was opponent.

Three debaters of Ranipur High School were Razia Sultana, Rishad Islam and team leader Md. Moniruzzaman and other three debaters of Ghoshpur High School were Md. Khalekuzzaman, Zahid Hasan and team leader Arnika Farzana (Aankhee).

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The program was presided by Md. Azizul Islam, Head teacher of Ghoshpur High School; The Ceief guest was Mustafa Kamal, Executive Director, JSKS. The debate function has raised lot of information and the debate went lively. Hundreds of general students, teachers, and other guests enjoyed the debate competition.

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Ranipur High School is winner and the best debater is Md. Moniruzzaman and the runner up Arnika Farzana (Aankhee) of Ghoshpur High School.

Special need children got assistive device from JSKS

On 11 March’15 the assistive device distribution ceremony for special need child was organized by Jhanjira Samaj Kallyan Sangstha (JSKS) with the supported by Plan International Bangladesh, Australian Aid, CDD and cbm at Jhanjira Samaj Kallyan Sangstha, Project Office, Tetulia, Chirirbandar, Dinajpur. It was held in a festive mood where special need child with their guardian, SMC, school teacher and VDC representatives were present. Honorable Chairman of Tetulia Union – Mr. Sunil Kumar Saha presided the device distribution ceremony where Mr. Mobarak Hossain – Program Unit Manager-Plan International Bangladesh-Dinajpur Program Unit was present as a chief guest and Mr. Mustafa Kamal – Executive Director was also present in the event.

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At the end of event Ms. Rashida Begum – special need child’s mother said, my child is physical disable. She is a student of class three. She wants to go to school regularly but earlier she did not do properly in absence of assistive device. Thanks JSKS for giving the device. I think from tomorrow my daughter will go to school regularly”.From this event 14 (from SIP project – 6 children (boy-4, girl-2) and from CBR project – 8 children (boy-5, girl-3) special need children got 14 devices as their needs which were Hearing aid – 3pcs from SIP project, Wheel chair – 3pcs from SIP project, Standing frame – 3pcs from CBR project, Special chair – 04 from CBR project and Walker – 1pc from CBR project.As a chief guest of assistive device distribution ceremony Mr. Mobarak Hossain – Program Unit Manager said that, I am happy for joining this event. Till now many people hide their special need child. Also ignoring the special need child in many aspects but it should not be. The special need child has every right. We have to aware their right and we have to extend our hands to them for their development. He requests to parents as well as school teachers for including in education and support for quality education. He also requests to honorable Chairman for discussing in Upazila coordination meeting about disable friendly school premises including toilets and cards for disable persons. At the beginning of the session Mr. Mustafa Kamal – Executive Director said that, in 06 unions of Chirirbandar Upazila we are working for education development through School Improvement project with the supported of Plan International Bangladesh and in Tetulia union we are working through School Improvement Project and Community Based Rehabilitation Project. He said that every child has the rights of education. Special need child is not our liability. We have to love them and support them for education as well as holistic development of their life.


Mr. Altab Hossain – special need child’s father said, my son cannot hear anything. When I have gone to the doctor with the supported by JSKS, doctor assured me that the hearing aid can help my son for hearing and later he will talk. I am very much happy for supporting assistive device. I wish my son will call me” Abba” soon and he will better in his student life. I am waiting for this time. Thanks JSKS and its funded organizations for giving the opportunity.”


In the closing session president of assistive device ceremony Mr. Sunil Kumar Saha – Chairman – Tetulia Union Porisad said that, our Telulia Union declared as a disable friendly union. It was joint effort. I am more sensitized about disability. We know that every mother loves her child and we have to loves special need child/disable person. We have to create enabling environment to them. If we want development we have to provide opportunity to disable persons. He thanked to JSKS and Plan International Bangladesh for supporting assistive device as well as development programs