
World Teachers’ Day

JSKS was observed the World Teachers Day on Last October 05, 2013 at the Dinajpur Press Club Auditorium, Dinajpur with the assistance of Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE), Dhaka. Md. Toufique Imam, ADC-Education &ICT was participated as Chief Guest. Md. Sirazul Islam, District Primary Education Officer (DPEO) Dinajpur and MGM Sarwar Hossain, Upazila Education Officer were participated as special guest. The leaders of Teachers Association, Journalists, NGO representative, representative from civil society were also present to the event.

A rally of World Teachers Day was organized by JSKS and District Primary Education Department which was led by Additional Deputy Commissioner-Education & ICT, Dinajpur.


After discussion meetDSC07505ing JSKS awarded the best teacher within the Rangpur Division to Sultana Pervin and Motaleb Hossain.

Establishment of JSKS by Khademul Hoque

JSKS was established in October 10, 1983 by Mr. Khademul Hoque. JSKS is the acronym of “Jhanjira Samaj Kallyan Sangstha”. Its literary meaning is “Jhanjira (village name) Social Welfare Organization”. It is a non-profitable, non-political, non-government development organization. The birth of the Organization may be traced back in the activities of a local club at Jhanjira of sadar Upazila, Dinajpur district, one of the backward and disaster prone northwestern District of Bangladesh.