A Roksana and Her Dream

Roksana Begum is 31 years old and her husband Abdul Jalil is 36 years. Roksana Begum lives in Daskhin Khalisha Chapani village, Union Khalisha Chapani, Upa Zilla Dimla under Nilphamari District.

She is the mother of 3 Childs and belongs to 5 member’s family. Her elder son is the student of class three among the two sons and another one is the least daughter. Her husband is a daily labour and hardship is the daily scenario within her family.

CHV counselling with pregnant mother at Dakhin Khalisa Chapani Village, Dimla
CHV counselling with pregnant mother at Dakhin Khalisa Chapani Village, Dimla

Roksana Begum became beneficiary of SHOUHARDO II program through JSKS Dimla. She is getting MCHN ration monthly basis. She is from poor category and her house hold # 341. She became pregnant and her LMP date is 17.10.2011. She is the enrolled for ration on December, 2011. She became again mother of a beautiful and healthy son on 16.04.2012. Rahul is the name of new born baby. Rahul was 3 kg 500 gm weight during birth period. Presently Rahul’s age is eight months and his weight is 8 kg 500 gm.

Roksana begum and her baby Rahul is out of cure. Roksana Begum says, she has maintained all health rules and she attended all awareness program and GMP session.

Rukhsana was ensuring every month of GMP for her son
Rukhsana was ensuring every month of GMP for her son

She has maintained all suggestion and advice from Health Volunteer.  Besides breast feeding, she also provide nutritional other foods to her baby including wheat, pulse and oil as she got from MCHN ration. She does not take outside food. She eats vegetable and local fruit as per her ability.

Roksana Begum is a comprehensive homestead development beneficiary. She has taken 3 days training on vegetable cultivation, rearing hens, ducks and goats. She properly used her homestead for cultivation of vegetable.

She earns money by selling vegetable after filling her needs. Roksana Begum received a free goat from SHOUHARDO II program.

She starts to rear the goat for accelerating the income through her training knowledge. It is her dream to develop herself through SHOUHARDO II training activity. Now she is healthy and happy. She seeks of all blessings.

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